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Finding out that your dog requires surgery is a scary piece of information to hear. It is essential to realize that this is a suggestion that vets don’t consider lightly. You can rest assured that should one of your veterinarians recommends you have your pet treated for surgery, the advice is in your best interest.

As with a loved pet, pet surgery can be stressful. In the course of its life, nearly every pet will have some surgical procedure performed on it, regardless of whether it’s routine or an emergency that may save its life.

Pet Surgeries

While most people who own pets worry about it, most veterinarians practice pet surgery at least once per week. The surgeries can be as minor as a spay or neuter, as extensive as cancer treatment, or remove a foreign body during abdominal surgery. The most popular surgical procedures they conduct are listed below.

1. Spaying and Neutering

Spaying and neutering are the two main components of most surgical operations by veterinarians in a pet laboratory. The choice to undergo this simple procedure performed on their pet’s behalf is essential to their pet’s health.

Spaying can safeguard against uterine infections and the development of breast cancer among female pet owners by removing the ovaries and uterus. Neutering, which is surgery to remove a male animal’s testicles been proven to improve behavior, reduce the chance of developing cancer in the testicles and stop unintentional reproduction.

2. Internal Surgery

It’s common knowledge that pet owners know that canines and felines occasionally consume items they should not. If your pet’s mate takes a foreign object in its mouth, it is occasionally necessary to perform surgery on the animal’s abdomen to remove the object. In addition to treating urgent situations, this standard surgical procedure can also be used to eliminate stones and tumors in the bladder.

Always remember that preventive care is always essential to prevent a more complicated ailment that can be fatal to your pets.

3. Dental Surgery

When tooth decay or infections develop, animals, like humans, might require dental treatment. The health of a dog’s or cat’s gums and teeth highly indicates the animal’s overall health. Infected teeth can transport bacteria into other body parts, including the heart and the liver. The doctor may suggest tooth extraction if the damage is severe enough to strain the health of the gums and jawbone.

4. Cataract Surgery

Since cataracts cause the eye’s lens to lose clarity, the eyes of those who suffer from cataracts appear white and cloudy. Cataracts can be a problem that is common in older dogs and can be caused by infections, diabetes, or trauma. During this surgical surgery, a veterinarian from reputable facilities like Kittrell Animal Hospital will remove the cloudy lens to replace it with a new one explicitly created for this use.

5. Hip Dysplasia Surgery

Hip dysplasia can be described as a widespread form of degenerative joint disease commonly seen in dogs. This condition, which causes stiffness and discomfort in the back legs and causes animals to run with a limp or even a flutter, generally requires multiple procedures for treatment.