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Dental disease is among the most common pet concerns we see in our animal companions, and it’s often preventable with regular at-home dental care and professional cleanings. Aside from seeking the help of a dog dentist, how do you know if your pet has a dental problem?

What Are the Signs That My Pet May Have Dental Problems?

Here are a number of the most common signs that your pet may have a dental problem:

  • Bad breath. Probably the most obvious sign that something is wrong, bad breath in pets can be caused by several things, but it is often one of the first signs of dental disease. Like humans, the bacteria in your pet’s mouth can lead to gum disease, which results in bad breath.
  • Yellow or brown buildup on teeth. This tartar can harbor bacteria and lead to gum disease.
  • Changes in eating or chewing habits. If your pet avoids hard foods, drools, or drops food from their mouth, they may be experiencing pain when chewing. Observe your pet properly because these can be emergency cases that need the help of a vet right away.
  • Bleeding gums. Gums should not bleed when you touch them lightly with your finger. If they do, it’s a sign of periodontal disease, an infection of the gums and bones supporting the teeth.
  • Excessive drooling or pawing at the mouth. If your pet drools more than normal, it may be due to increased tartar and bacteria in their mouth, which can lead to gum disease. They may also paw at their mouth if they’re experiencing pain.

What Should You Do If Your Cat or Dog Has a Dental Problem?

Here are some things you can do if you think your pet has dental problems:

  • Take them to the vet. This is the best way to find out what’s happening and get the treatment they need. In some cases, when dental disease is caught early, a cleaning may be all that’s needed.
  • Feed them softer food. If your pet has trouble eating, you can try feeding them softer food. This will help them get the nutrition they need while also protecting their teeth from further damage.
  • Give them dental toys and treats. Many different kinds of dental toys and treats can help reduce tartar and plaque buildup on your pet’s teeth. This can help prevent dental disease and keep their teeth healthy.
  • Brush their teeth. Similar to humans, regular brushing is the best way to avoid dental problems in pets. You can use a special pet toothbrush and toothpaste or wipes and brush their teeth once or twice a week.
  • Keep an eye on your pet’s mouth. Take a look at their teeth and gums regularly, and be sure to report any changes to your veterinarian. If you are a pet owner who always travels, you can also request a dental cleaning from the dog or cat boarding or have someone else do it for you.

The Bottom Line

Dental disease is a common problem in pets, but it’s often preventable with proper care. If your pet may have dental problems, take them to the vet for an evaluation. And be sure to brush their teeth regularly to help prevent dental disease.